Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Creativity+Recession=Entrepreneur's Best Chance

I read over some articles on Entrepreneur.com. I want to open my own store one day but I also wanted develop a strong background in Fashion Merchandising in my college career because what I believe is that entrepreneurship and the most successful entrepreneurs are not neccesarily college graduates. All you need is the hunger and the drive and the determination. Already being in debt to the government (College, College, College..tsk, tsk), without money and only taking chances, some entrepreneurs have soared to unseen heights of success. Being an entrepreneur is truly the American dream for me, not working under a boss my whole life.

The article is titled "Recession = More Creativity + Higher Rates of Entrepreneurship" by Jennifer Wang

People's creativy have continually increased during our times of recession. The recent loss of millions of jobs has had some Americans totally down in the dumps, and moping, but with other Americans, it has only made them more determined. Welcome to the real world where people get fired and have to get back on their feet. Not trying to be cliche, but there is always opportunity in adversity.

When things are good, people are savoring the financial comfort. But this recession has provided the neccesary shock for the people to get up and get something and to think for themselves. There are some reputable companies that started during a recession: Burger King, MTV. Stephen Fuller, chair of the public policy department of George Mason Univ. jokes, "Some of the unemployed are out there starting the future AOLs and Apples. If I knew who they were, I'd invest in them". And who doesn't want to be invested in? Whether it's investing trust or the stock market.


Oh, here's the link to the article in case you're just itching to find out more.

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